Digital transformation

Crafty strategy to help put you in control

“Digital transformation” has morphed from legitimate business lingo into a buzz word over the last few years. Hearing it causes some businesses to roll their collective eyes, and some to leap at the chance for change. We think everyone should see digital transformation as an opportunity to help their tech do the legwork for them.

Internal Digital Transformation

Focusing on company databases, CRM and automating processes.

External Digital Transformation

Focusing on acquiring new customers and optimising the customer journey.

You might be ready for Digital Transformation if any of the following apply to you:

  • Your internal databases don’t automatically provide info to help directors make informed decisions.
  • Your customer acquisition funnel isn’t properly documented, meaning you have no analytical understanding of dropoffs or successful CRO.
  • Your team’s time is taken up with repetitive manual tasks, that could be automated.
  • You’re still using an off the shelf CRO that doesn’t do what you need.
  • You haven’t got any automated email sequencing set up, so your reputation has plateaued.
  • Your sales teams are relying on out of the box apps instead of the bespoke programmes they really need.
  • Your website is poorly optimised, or not optimised at all.

Our Digital Transformation Workshop is done over the course of one day, after which you’ll receive a strategic review breakdown with our findings. It’ll be broken down into quick wins (changes you can implement and will immediately see a return on) and long-term opportunities (changes that need making for long-game gain), with specific, tactical advice on how to make the most of your tech stack.

Following your initial Digital Transformation Workshop, you can choose to partner with us long term and we’ll help implement your tech changes. If your workshop shows you need bespoke solutions, we can work with you to design and build the technology you need.

Talk to us about Digital transformation

Let’s have a chat to explore the art of the possible and opportunities around Digital Transformation. Get in touch using the button to book a call with one of the team to discuss your project.

Feature case study


Ikea’s leading agency (BWP) came to us with an idea for an in-store, experience: demonstrating through data that the Ikea mattresses would genuinely relax customers.

We worked closely with BWP to create an IOT (internet of things) based heart sensor with custom 3D printed cases. This was a highly time pressured and high profile project.

We delivered the experience across all 21 of Ikea’s UK stores, ensuring that full tech support and training was given to provide an engaging experience that exceeded expectations.


  • Over 3,000 in store experiences done, raising profile for mattress section
  • Successfully coordinated 21 locations over a 4 week period